Sunday, May 31, 2009

Sanky Tank (Park)

Can u see a older child playing can't help


Can u see the Board and the boy aged above 10 playing near that only. India man

Sunday evening means fun for children who likes to play in the park. From a year old baby to ten year old enjoy see-saw, marry-go-round, swing etc. We happen to visit Sanky Tank park on sunday evening, which has been made for kids. Thanks to BBMP at least they have maintained this park properly. I have not seen much parks maintained with well equipped play ground for kids in Bangalore. Many kids come from Hebbal side, since this is the only park with more playground equippements. In Sanky tank we can see more than two hundred kids with their parents. It is really nice that they have planed it nicely.
We prefer taking our one year old daughter since she enjoys in the park. So many people prefer this place for walks, senior citizens with their walking friends, young couples, and children. I felt bad seeing children above ten years playing even though the board has been put there. There is no one to manage. Why this happens? After older children sit and spoil things which are for young children then they will take action. Why not before they spoil things they mange them, not to spoil children's play ground. Who is bothered?

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