Friday, August 16, 2013

Just read

'Always pack a sense of humour'

'Always pack a sense of humour'
'Always pack a sense of humour'
Times of India

British adventurer, writer and TV presenter Bear Grylls tells Nona Walia why jungle (concrete and real) survival is all about knowing how to laugh at yourself.

Adventurer Bear Grylls has a simple motto in life: Train hard. Fight easy. From learning bushcraft, building shelter deep into the wild, hunting for food to survive and eating goat testicles, this Briton has done it all. Known for his television series Man vs. Wild, Grylls teaches the art of survival in harsh landscapes in a survival academy he has recently opened.

He says, "Surviving life-threatening situations is a science of attitude, it can instill positivity, resourcefulness, energy and fire. The trick is in overcoming your fear. It's about making a decision, getting on and doing it." The man who has climbed cliffs, parachuted from helicopters, run through forest fires, eaten snakes, drunk urine saved in a rattlesnake skin, and eaten deer droppings, gives us a few lessons on survival.

Survival skills are your forte? How necessary is it as a quality in today's world?

We need to have definite plans to survive in life.There's a saying: 'No plan survives the first contact with the enemy'. In fact, I love it when things go wrong. I think the secret lies in thinking fast and with ingenuity. Be committed to yourself and your life goal. While facing tough situations in life, don't panic. It makes things worse. Try to be calm.

Your book, A Survival Guide for Life, inspires people to overcome their fears. What life lessons can you give those who look up to you?

Survival skills aren't taught in schools or written in textbooks. My motto is 'don't listen to dream stealers' or become over-enthusiastic. I teach people how to deal with adversity yet keep their character in today's cut-throat world. I tell people how to imbibe qualities of primal life. Dynamic self-rescue survival skills can save your life across a whole series of terrains.

What qualities should people hone to survive all odds?

Optimism, team work, initiative, courage, resourcefulness and determination. The kick for me is seeing people literally grow in stature and confidence as they learn many of the skills and attitudes in practice. It makes it all worthwhile. Adventure brings out the best and worst in people. The wild is unpredictable. However much we prepare, things sometimes go wrong, and that's true of life too. I encourage people to find the strength in themselves. We are much stronger than we think.

What are your five top tips for holidays on the wild side?

Be prepared. Go with good friends you trust and who are relaxed people. Have a backup plan. Pack a sense of humour.

How do you relax?

I take off with my family to our little island hideaway in North Wales. It has 20 acres of green and one small cottage. It's my heaven on earth.

Grylls' survival tips for life

Plan, execute goals, face danger, push your limits to sharpen your instincts

Chase the goal, not the money

Always say 'yes' to opportunities

Never give up

There is no education like adversity

You can't become a horseman until you have fallen off a horse

Don't worry too much

Tents don't repair themselves when things go wrong, set them right yourself

Paddle your own canoe

Don't assume too much

Dreams require sacrifice

Honour the journey, not the destination

To get, you have to learn to give

Humility is everything

Instinct is the nose of the mind, trust it

Laugh at yourself, a lot

Keep good company

Find a good guide

Seek out motivation

Money is like a river, it has to flow

Be a volunteer

Keep grounded

Learn courage

Take care of your possessions

Use time wisely

Everytime you surprise yourself, you inspire yourself

Do not judge someone by their status

Let others shine

Be cheerful in adversity

When you go through hell, keep going

Ask yourself, what makes you smile

Success is about embracing tears and heartaches


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