Friday, October 8, 2010

Monday, October 4, 2010

Namma Bengaluru

One of my friend sent me these picture of Namma Bangalore long back thought of sharing with all.

Welcome back into the past. here are some images of Bangalore, generations old,  that are apparently lost in the pages of history.
Come, travel with me back in time to the Bangalore in the days
of the Raj, when it was still a small cantonment town. The year was 1946.
And the place,
Namma Bengalooru

Does this frame look familiar? It should.
Th is is the BRIGADE ROAD .    

The left hand side building is still standing, and housed the Ashok Electricals, the Post Office, now it is the LEE and Louis Phillip showroom. The road hasn't got any bigger, but the traffic and the crowd definitely has.  

and here's the
                                                      Any guesses what it is called now?
THE M.G. ROAD. Yeah. The building you are seeing is the Higginbothams bookstore, which looks dilapidated on the present day.

The above picture is of Hosur Road . the  present day electronics, IT and BPO Hub.

                     The town hall area

This strong stone building is now only known as the Oriental Building( presently houses the LIC) and is at the intersection of MG Road ( then called as, South Parade) and St. Marks Road. There apparently was a large circle at this juncture as can be seen in the photograph. The road you are looking at is St. Marks Road  

This is the Mayo hall. It sure looks much more regal than what it does today. It houses the Courts and was apparently also one of the main Police Station jails. I do not believe that the staircase shown in the picture still exists, and the view is supposedly that from Residency Road, only after taking a print out will I be able to compare because the building is so symmetrical

Observe something?? The license plate shows BAN565  suggests that there were under 1000 cars in Bangalore in 1946.
Or in the entire state (then known as the state of Mysore).

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Can't we have Good, Clean Bus-stops

Have you ever been to Bus-stops. Recently, I started traveling by bus since I have the good facility of transportation that is an Volvo to Magdi road. Normally, we get buses lined up. The day before the Ayodhya Verdict was to be passed, I had to travel and there were less Volvo buses. I had to wait for almost an hour, was not able to sit on the seat of the Bus-stop since just back of the seat it was so sharp smell of urine, and spited chewed pan-beeda all over. I was wondering how people can do this....there came an Bus-Conductor who jumped the fencing of the bus-stop and used the premises for urinating. No one notices or no one is bothered. I saw people from other states who work for daily wages standing in a group and smoking, spitting the saliva of pan beeda, where they are standing. They don't even go to the side and spit. Does these people keep their home in a similar way? I see plastic papers spread ed, even though there is an dust bin right next to the sitting area. No one feels like throwing waste there. Upon that I found aged people sweeping on the sides, they are so old that even cannot clean it properly....why can't government have more young people to do so...with the better this not a basic thing where we have to do something, by having a good hygienic toilets near the bus-stops so that people can utilize it in the right way.......................